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Q: Which type of inter-cellular communication is best described as the passage of ions and small molecules into neighboring cells through gap junctions?
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plasmodesmata tight junctions desmosomes gap junctions the plasmodesmata is the only cell junction in the plant cells.. and the other three cell junctions are in the animal cells...

What are three types of extracellular junctions?

Within the multicellular organism tissues, a cell junction occurs. Animals have four kinds of intercellular junctions which are gap junction, desmosomes, adherens junction and tight junction,

Plasmodesmata of plant cells are functionally equivalent to what of animal cells?

If the answer choices are a. Extracellular Martix b. Desmosomes c. Gap Junctions d. Tight Junctions e. Peroxisomes Then the answer is definitely C, Gap Junctions

What intercellular junction in which cells are bound together by fusion of the outer cell membrane is called what?

In vertebrates, there are three major types of cell junction:1. Adherens junctions, desmosomes and hemidesmosomes (anchoring junctions.)2. Gap junctions (communicating junction)3. Tight junctions (occluding junctions)Your question most likely is for the tight junction but more information in the question would be helpful.

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Certain cells form connections, or cellular junctions, to neighboring cells. These junctions hold cells together firmly.

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Certain cells form connections, or cellular junctions, to neighboring cells. These junctions hold cells together firmly.