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Q: Which type of membrane keeps your internal organs in place?
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Yes... it keeps their organs and bones in place !

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The thoracic cavity is the hollow place in the body where the heart and lungs are seated. This cavity is lined with the serous membrane, which is a thin layer of tissue that secretes a liquid that keeps the organs from drying out.

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Double layered membrane that holds abdominal organs in place?

The Mesentery membrane.

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Part of the embalming process, as practiced by the ancient Egyptians, was to remove the internal organs and place them in jars.

How the internalorgans are held in place?

All of our internal organs have a second coating over them. The covering of your heart for example is called the pericardium the lungs the pleura. This helps to not only protect the internal organs but also helps maintain it's placement within the body. The abdominal cavity also has a coating between the organs and outer structures, this coating is called the Omentum. This Omentum is what holds the internal organs in place.

What skin does?

Your skin is the largest and most important organ in/on your body. What your skin Or (Epidermis) does , is basically keeps all your internal organs inside of you. And your bones keep them in place Hope this helps Happy learning , Zoom Zoom! xxIris

What helps hold organs in place and help organs do their job?

The internal organs are held in place by ligaments. These fibrous bands act like a framework under and to the sides of organs. Ligaments keep organs from shifting, migrating up, or falling down out of place.The internal organs are held in place by a variety of connective tissues. The most common is loose areolar tissue. It is found beneath epithelium and covers the ventral organs while it wraps and cushions the organs. Next common is a network of reticular fibers within loose ground substance with many reticulocytes. Its main function is support.

Why are the internal organs not displaced when the animal moves?

Internal organs are held in place by skin and supporting muscles and tissues. Additionally, there is not a lot of empty space in body cavities, so organs cannot just float free inside an animal.

What is the connective tissue that holds organs together?

The internal organs are held in place by the messentaries and the greater and lesser omentums.

What is the multilayered membrane that protects and holds the organs in place within the abdominal cavity called?

It is called The Omentum. It is a fold of THE Peritonium extending from the stomach to adjacent abdominal organs.

What is the function of a peritoneum?

The visceral peritoneum is the inner layer of the peritoneum, a membrane within the abdominal cavity. Organs inside the visceral peritoneum include the stomach, intestines, liver, spleen, and in females, the ovaries, Fallopian tubes, and uterus.