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Q: Which type of metamorphic rock is mined from earth and burned as fuel?
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Related questions

How is coal collected to make useable energy?

Coal is mined by being dug out of the earth by mining machinery. It is transported by truck, rail or ship to the point where it will be burned as fuel.

What are carbonaceous fuels?

a fuel which is stripped or mined from earth like coal,petroleum ,peat is called carbonaceous fuel

What is a metamorphic rock found deep inside earth and it is used as a fuel?

Anthracite is found.

Why is coal better then nuclear?

Coal can be easily mined and burned, whilst to use nuclear fuel requires a lot of scientific effort to make it safe

What fuel is mined from the earth that is almost pure carbon?

Coal, particularly anthracite coal, is almost pure carbon.

Name a fossil fuelwhich is mined in bass strait?

Oil is a fossil fuel which is mined in Bass Strait. Another fossil fuel is natural gas. They have been mined in Bass Strait for many years now.

Is nuclear power a renewable energy resource?

No! It is a non-renewable energy resource because the mineral uranium which is used as he fuel has to be mined from deposits in the Earth.

What exactly is fireworks?

A firework is a rocket; in its most simple form, it is a tube of rocket fuel When the fuel is burned, it produces gases that are forced out of the nozzle, shooting the rocket away from earth

When fuel is burned what does it leave?

Nothing. It is a fossil fuel.

What is a mineral consisting carbon that is mined and used as a fuel?


Why is fuel burned in the power station?

Fuel is burned to create steam. The steam turns the turbines, which produces electricity.

Why is coal a good fuel?

Coal is a good fuel: 1. Cheaper then other fuels. 2. Coal provides a stable source of energy. 3.It provides many jobs for people such as transporting the coal. 4.Coal can be burned and mined without making a huge impact to the environment.