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Q: What type of carbohydrates is burned for fuel in human cells?
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What is the fuel for the human body?


What is the human body's first choice for fuel to facilitate life process?

Carbohydrates is the preferred fuel.

What does the human brain and other nerve tissues use as fuel?

Carbohydrates and oxygen.

What 2 ways your body uses carbohydrates?

The human body uses carbohydrates as a way to fuel itself. It also uses carbohydrates as a way of structural support.

The major source of fuel for the nervous system brain and red blood cells is?

Carbohydrates, more specifically: glucose

What is the major role of carbohydrates in the human diet is to?

The main function of carbohydrates is to provide energy? (True or False)

What major fuel is used for the cell's activities in the human body?

Cells primarily use carbohydrates, especially glucose, which is broken down during cellular respiration, forming molecules of ATP, which are used by the cells in order to get energy to do work (cellular activities). Cells get energy from ATP molecules when they are broken down into ADP and P, which releases energy.

What provides the most readily available energy?

Carbohydrates, as a class, provide the most readily available energy source for cells. The complex carbohydrates will split to simple sugars for immediate fuel.

What is the function of vitamin b3?

It helps converts blood sugar into energy.

What are the carbohydrates called when broken down into smaller molecules?

Carbohydrates are generally broken down into glucose which your cells use as fuel. They can also be broken down into fructose and galactose.

Which tissue in the body can only use glucose and other simple carbohydrates for fuel?

The Brain, red blood cells, central nervous system

What carbohydrates do for you?

its your bodys fuel