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Q: Which type of plant grows by climbing on other plants or fences?
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Bamboo grows and spreads so you need to confine it. Best to keep it separate from other plants or crops.

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Renewable, it literally grows on trees! (and other plants)

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Some bacteria and other micro organisms can grow in the conditions inhospitable for the plants.

How do plants poisons affect other plants?

Some plants like black walnuts do not want competition from other plants. So the black walnut grows a poison called juglone that kills other plants in the area. Buckthorn is another plant that does this.

Why do kudzus change the food web?

because it grows fast and kills other plants

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The plant on which a parasatic plant grows?

Kudzu. Grows all over other plants taking their sunlight and resources without being an actual parasite.

What does fungus mean?

A plant without leaves or flowers that grows on other plants or on decayed material,such as mushrooms and toadstools.

Can plants grow in ocean in 1000 meters of water?

yes. Coral grows and other plant material in the ocean.

What is different about the rabbit proof fence to other fences?

rabbit proof fences have mesh on them as well as wire

What kind of plants grow where the polar bears live?

A plant that grows in the far north, where no other plant can grow, is lichen.

What grows in a temperate warm climate?

evergreens and Deciduous trees and other cold weather plants