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Over the course of time the burning of wood in fireplaces or open fires has probably killed more people than any other energy source per unit of energy produced. It has, after all, been in use for over 1.5 million years since Homo Erectus first learned to control it.

Wood fires:

  • Shed sparks and embers that ignite dwellings
  • Shed sparks and start other fires (e.g. forest fires)
  • Are a hazard to the incautious and small children
  • Create smoke that is carcinogenic. In cultures that did not develop chimneys the smoke would buildup in the living areas causing black lung disease
  • Cause soot build up in chimneys which which could ignite, burning down homes
  • Produce smoke in urban areas which is a lung irritant
  • Create carbon monoxide in unventilated areas
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2w ago

Historically, coal-fired power plants have been associated with the most harm per unit of energy produced due to air pollution, mining accidents, and greenhouse gas emissions contributing to climate change. However, the exact impact can vary depending on factors such as safety regulations, technology, and geography.

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Q: Which type of power source has killed or harmed the most people per unit of energy produced?
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