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This is a positron.

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Q: Which type of radiation has a negligible mass and a charge of plus 1?
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What type of radiation has a mass of 4 amu and a 2 plus charge?

Alpha radiation, which is the same as helium-4 nuclei.

A particle that has a mass of 1 and a charge of 1 plus is?

A particle that has a mass of 1 and a charge of 1 plus is a proton.

How many protons does an atom of Carbon have if it has a plus 2 charge and a mass of 15?

6 Charge and mass do not change this answer.

Does alpha have a 1 plus charge?

An alpha particle has the charge 2+ and the mass 4.

Does alpha have zero mass and zero charge?

An alpha particle is a helium nucleus. It consists of two protons and two neutrons so it has mass (approximately the same as the mass of a helium atom) and charge (a plus two charge because each proton has a charge of plus one and the neutrons are not charged).

This form of radiation is made from He nuclei and has a 2 plus charge?

This are alpha particles which are made up of Helium ions and are +2 charge.

What particles has a mass of 4 amu and a charge of 2 plus?

An alpha particle, boom.

Why is a mass spectrometer incapable of distinguishing between ions 14N plus and 14N2 plus 2?

because the species have the same m/z value (mass to charge ratio)

Which species contains the greatest percent by mass of hydrogen?

The species that contains the greatest percent by mass of hydrogen is H3O with a plus 1 charge on the Oxygen molecule. The species that is the Bronsted-Lowery acid in the forward reaction is NH4 with a plus 1 charge.

Which radioisotope has an atom that emits a particle with a mass number of 0 and a charge of plus 1?


Do gamma rays have a charge?

No, a gamma ray does not have a plus two charge. A gamma ray is electromagnetic energy, and has no charge at all. It is the alpha particle, a type of particulate radiation, that has a charge of plus two. Use the links below for more information.

An Ion with a mass of 209 and atomic number of 84 and net charge of 4 plus?
