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Redox reaction (reduction-oxidation).

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Q: Which type of reaction is when zinc metal reacts with oxygen gas?
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If you remove oxygen from a metal oxide what is the reaction type?

the reaction type will (reduction) taken away oxygen from the reaction

What type of a reaction occurs when potassium metal reacts with fluorine gas?

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What type of reaction occurs when potassium metal reacts with fluorine gas?

It is basically a REDOX reaction. Extremely reactive in this case

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when sodium react with ethanol ,ethoxide and hydrogen are formed. this reaction is like when sodium reacts with water

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2HCl + Mg = MgCl2 + H2 It is a displacement reaction.

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Rust is chemical weathering. It occurs when oxygen from the air reacts with a metal, typically with iron. This chemical reaction is called oxydation, and the product is what gives rust its reddish color.

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An iodoform reaction is the type of reaction when acetone reacts with triiodomethane.

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a neutralisation reaction

What is the name of the gas that is produced when a metal reacts with acid?

A salt. The type of salt depends on the type of acid.

What type of metal is oxygen?

Oxygen (O2) is a gas not a metal.

The type of chemical reaction that occurs whenever a substance reacts rapidly with oxygen?

It depends upon what you mean. H2O contains oxygen and alkali metals react explosively with it. Also, burning is formally called oxidation. Both happen rapidly and I hope I answered your intended question.

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