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Q: Which type of stem cell first develops in a blastocyst?
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What cells can become any type of cells in the body?

Only totipotent and pluripotent stem cells. Totipotent can become any cell type, because they come from a 3-day-embryo. Pluripotent are already differentiated cells, coming from the inner cell mass of a blastocyst kai can become any tissue cell type or any organ. Pluripotent can be extracted from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst the 5th day after the fertilization. This has ethical drawbacks. That's why the scientists are trying to extract stem cells from only one cell from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst.

What is the mass of stem cells produced in the first few days after ferlization?

blastocyst The most versatile stem cells occur earliest in life. As a fertilized human egg divides, it first becomes a solid ball of cells, the morula. Next, about five days after fertilization, it becomes a hollow ball, the blastocyst. The cells of the outer layer of the blastocyst eventually form part of the placenta.

How old does a zygote have to be to get stem cells?

In order to obtain stem cells, an embryo must be in the blastocyst stage.

What kind of stem cells can develop into any kind of cells in the human body?

Cells up to 8 cell stage in human embryo can develop in any kind of cell in body. Inner cell mass in blastocyst can develop into any kind of cell in human body.

How is stem cell different from adult animal cells?

A stem cell is a cell that has the ability to generate itself into any body part or cell type of the organism it is developing. Stem cells are found in the blastocyst of an embryo and ALSO in adults. Because adults have already finished developing, the stems cells are then used to maintain regenerative organs such as skin, blood or intestinal tissues. All other adult cells do not have the ability to regenerate.

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Explain how a stem cell develops into an embryo?

Embryonic stem cells (ES cells) are stem cells derived from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst, an early-stage embryo.In other words, they do not become embryos, they are part of an embryo.

What cells can become any type of cells in the body?

Only totipotent and pluripotent stem cells. Totipotent can become any cell type, because they come from a 3-day-embryo. Pluripotent are already differentiated cells, coming from the inner cell mass of a blastocyst kai can become any tissue cell type or any organ. Pluripotent can be extracted from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst the 5th day after the fertilization. This has ethical drawbacks. That's why the scientists are trying to extract stem cells from only one cell from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst.

What is the mass of stem cells produced in the first few days after ferlization called?

blastocyst The most versatile stem cells occur earliest in life. As a fertilized human egg divides, it first becomes a solid ball of cells, the morula. Next, about five days after fertilization, it becomes a hollow ball, the blastocyst. The cells of the outer layer of the blastocyst eventually form part of the placenta.

What is the mass of stem cells produced in the first few days after ferlization?

blastocyst The most versatile stem cells occur earliest in life. As a fertilized human egg divides, it first becomes a solid ball of cells, the morula. Next, about five days after fertilization, it becomes a hollow ball, the blastocyst. The cells of the outer layer of the blastocyst eventually form part of the placenta.

How old does a zygote have to be to get stem cells?

In order to obtain stem cells, an embryo must be in the blastocyst stage.

What doesnt belong neutrophils monocytes basophils eosinophils?

Two different answers: Myeloid stem cell. The other cell types are more differentiated. or Lymphocyte because it develops from from a lymphoid progenitor cell. The rest develop from a myeloid stem cell.

What kind of stem cells can develop into any kind of cells in the human body?

Cells up to 8 cell stage in human embryo can develop in any kind of cell in body. Inner cell mass in blastocyst can develop into any kind of cell in human body.

What kind of the stem cells can develop into any kind of cells in the human body?

Cells up to 8 cell stage in human embryo can develop in any kind of cell in body. Inner cell mass in blastocyst can develop into any kind of cell in human body.

How is stem cell different from adult animal cells?

A stem cell is a cell that has the ability to generate itself into any body part or cell type of the organism it is developing. Stem cells are found in the blastocyst of an embryo and ALSO in adults. Because adults have already finished developing, the stems cells are then used to maintain regenerative organs such as skin, blood or intestinal tissues. All other adult cells do not have the ability to regenerate.

How is stem cells different from adult animal cells?

A stem cell is a cell that has the ability to generate itself into any body part or cell type of the organism it is developing. Stem cells are found in the blastocyst of an embryo and ALSO in adults. Because adults have already finished developing, the stems cells are then used to maintain regenerative organs such as skin, blood or intestinal tissues. All other adult cells do not have the ability to regenerate.

What was the first stem cell banking facility to open in the US?

Amniotic stem cell bank a facility that stores stem cell derived from amniotic fluid for future use. the first private amniotic stem cell bank in the US was opened by Biocell center in October 2009 in Medford, Massachusetts.

Is a stem cell differentiated or undifferentiated?

Because cells of the blastocyst or inner cell mass (ICM) are subjected to strong selection for proliferation, as per "survival of the fittest" phenomena of evolution (speedheart8).