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Q: Which type of work becomes more common in a post industrial society?
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Is an industrial society more civilized than a pre-industrialized society?

No. They are just more advanced technologically.

What is the difference between an agrarian society and a industrial society?

An agrarian society relies primarily on agriculture as the main economic activity, while an industrial society is characterized by a shift towards manufacturing and mechanized production. Agrarian societies are typically more rural and based on manual labor, while industrial societies are more urbanized and utilize machinery for production.

What are the differences between agrarian and industrial society?

Agrarian society relies on agriculture as the primary means of sustenance and economic activity, while industrial society is centered around manufacturing and industrial production. Agrarian societies tend to be more rural and have a more decentralized economic structure, whereas industrial societies are often characterized by urbanization and a more centralized economy. Industrial societies also tend to have more advanced technology and division of labor compared to agrarian societies.

Work that requires a college education becomes more common in a?

Work that requires a college education becomes more common in a developed country.

During the industrial revolution how did advances in technology in benefit society?

Goods were produced more efficiently.

How do an industrial society and an agricultural society differ?

An industrial society relies on technology and machinery to produce goods and services, while an agricultural society relies on farming and crop cultivation for sustenance and economy. Industrial societies are often more urbanized and have a higher division of labor, while agricultural societies are typically more rural and have a simpler division of labor focused on farming.

What caused the sudden upswing in computer ownership?

They're getting cheaper as time goes on and as they become more common place in society it becomes more important to own one. Homework, work, social networking, and multimedia are just someof the more common ways they can improve productivity or enjoyment.

What are some of the problems with becoming an industrial society?

Some problems with becoming an industril society may include environmental cost, air more pulluted, and even more pollution.

As a society becomes more urbanized and industrialized it tends to?

Modify traditional beliefs and customs.

Where is Matrilineality is more common in what society?

Horticultural societies.

How did technological made during the industrial revolution benefit society?

businesses produced goods more efficiently.

How did technological advances made during the industrial revolution society?

businesses produced goods more efficiently.