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Q: Which types of forest are found in amazon basin?
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Kind of forest in the world?

The Taiga makes up 29% of the world's forest cover and is considered the world's largest land biome. The Amazon forest is the largest rain forest of the world with One fifth of all the fresh water goes to the Amazon River Basin.

How many different types of tree frog live in the amazon rain forest?

there are 21 types of tree frogs in the forest

What is the vegetation of Amazon basin?

There are many, many many types of vegetation in the Amazon basin, from orchids and bromeliads to a native tropical fruit tree called the abiu. Much of the vegetation in this region is unknown and yet to be discovered, so it's really hard to make a list of all the plant life of the Amazon Basin.

Which Poisonous animals in the Amazon rain forest?

some poisonous animals that live in the amazon rain forest could be certain types of snakes and some spiders like a turanchula,or some types of frogs and plants.

How many animals in the Amazon jungle?

I really don't think you could even begin to count how many different types of species that have evolved in the amazon jungle. You could never get a real answer.There are actually to many animals to count in the Amazon! We actually haven't found out every single animal in the Amazon rain forest. I would probably guess about 5 million animals are in the Amazon Rain forest actually!

Wildlife found within amazon rainforests?

There are millions of different types of animals in the amazon rain forest. They vary from many birds , millions ofinsects, reptiles,and many amphibians. Some of my favorites are Sun Conures a type of smaller parrot.

What are types of vegetation found in Africa?

Grassland, Forest, Desert, Savanna

What is in the Amazon rainforest?

A rain forest is simply a forest that has lots and lots of rain each year (+70in a year) The Amazon rain forest in particular is very large it covers a good portion of South America (1.4 billion acres). It calls 9 different countries home and is home to thousands of types of trees and animals. The climate is warm (about 79* F) and humid.

Where are cows most commonly found in minecraft?

Forest biomes of all types, try the tropical forest as well.

What 2 types of animals live in the amazon rain forest?

Their are birds, reptiles, mammals and much much more!!!!

What types of animals live in the forest?

All type of animals are found in forests.

What are four vegetation types found in Africa?

Grassland, Forest, Desert, Savanna