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Q: Which unique characteristic of American society relates most to individualism?
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What are the core ideals of American society?

Liberty, Equality, Democracy, Individualism, Unity and Diversity

What characteristic marked American mainstream society in the 1950's?


Which statement best expresses the melting pot theory as it relates to American society?

a new and different society will emerge from the blending of cultures

How is individualism contributing to the decline of society?

Individualism can contribute to the decline of a society when people are only concerned about their own welfare rather than the welfare of the society as a whole. Many times, selfishness and greed are contributing factors.

Who wrote more than one hundred books expressing the idea of individualism in American society?

Ayn Rand is known for writing more than one hundred books expressing the idea of individualism in American society, particularly in works like "The Fountainhead" and "Atlas Shrugged." Rand promoted the philosophy of Objectivism, which emphasized individual rights, reason, and self-interest.

What was Individualism?

The definition of individualism is a belief that the needs of each person are more important than the needs of the entire group or society. It is when a person does something without any concern for what others will think.

What did the US culture emphasize that critics of mass society deplored?


What was the characteristic of Southern society in 1850?

A traditional agricultural lifestyle was the characteristic of Southern society in 1850.

Why is there a blending of individualism and collectivism in the Canadian political system?

Collectivism doesn't not blend with Individualism they are complete opposites. The only people that experience Individualism in a Collectivist society are the elite leaders like Hitler, Stalin and other dictators.

The chapter introduction relates the story of World's Columbian Exposition to make the point that?

American society and the world had been transformed by the industrial revolution.

In what way does Henry David Thoreau and writing reflect American society?

Henry David Thoreau's writing reflects American society through his themes of individualism, self-reliance, and the connection to nature. His work often explores the tension between societal expectations and personal freedom, which was a prevalent concern in American society during his time. Thoreau's emphasis on simplicity and living deliberately also resonated with the American ideals of independence and anti-conformity.

How is individualism related to cancer?

Cancer in the body can be thought of as analagous to individualism in a society or more accurately where the interests of the individual are giving precedence to the needs of the society as a whole. This can continue to an extent where the progress of the individual (or a cancer cell) is achieved at the cost of the the general well being of the society (or the body) which is ultimately pointless.