



An organization is a group of people that pursues a common goal. There are various legal types of organizations, including governments, corporations, international organizations, armed forces, non-profit organizations, charities, cooperatives, partnerships, and universities.

2,521 Questions

What are managers' duties?

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Asked by Wiki User

The duty of a manager are many and include: * Ensure that procedures are being followed * Track schedules and budgets * Moralize the team * Plan ahead and decide what gets done and when * Set priorities * Hire and fire team members * Ensure product quality

Who founded CERN?

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Asked by Cristinashelton79

Twelve representatives of each founding country signed the charter of CERN at the 29th of July 1953 in Paris.

Beforehand CERN existed only as an idea, a provisional Organisation with a provisional Council, composed by eleven European governments.

The new Council determined Geneva/Switzerland as the center of CERN.

1955 was the laying of the first stone.

Which level was first in the modern organization of taxa?

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Asked by Wiki User

The highest level in the modern organization of taxa is the domain, with the three main domains being Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukaryota.

Why do the order of the eastern stars wear white uniforms?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Order of the Eastern Star wear white uniforms as a symbol of purity and light. White is often associated with spiritual growth and enlightenment in many cultures and is meant to reflect the ideals of the organization, which include truth, faith, and kindness.

How many astartes chapters are there?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are roughly a thousand, there isnt an exact number. Game Workshop has never released an official number of Chapters. As for Astartes themselves. There's roughly a million or so in the W40K universe unless you consider the chaos space marines.

From which direction does foul weather typically approach?

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Asked by Griffithsc

Foul weather typically approaches from the west due to prevailing westerly winds in many regions. This is because weather systems generally move from west to east.


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Biological association refers to relationships between different species that interact with each other in a specific ecosystem. These associations can be beneficial (symbiosis), harmful (parasitism), or neutral (commensalism). They play a crucial role in maintaining ecosystem balance and biodiversity.

Why is organization in living things important?

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Asked by MelindaYuangp7691

Organization in living things is important because it allows for efficient functioning and coordination of different parts within an organism. It helps to maintain homeostasis, respond to stimuli, and carry out necessary biological processes effectively. Without organization, living organisms would not be able to survive and thrive in their environments.

When was Seismological Society of America created?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Seismological Society of America was created in 1906. It is a scientific society focused on the study of earthquakes and seismology.

What is the complementary strand of aat-gcc-agt-ggt-tcg-cac?

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Asked by Wiki User

The complementary strand of DNA= tta-cgg-tca-cca-agc-gtg and RNA is the same except you change the t's to u's.

Earth has a density of 5 gcc Why is it so large Does it contain something more dense than rock?

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Asked by Wiki User

Earth's large size is primarily due to its composition of dense materials such as iron and nickel in its core. These materials contribute to the overall density of Earth. The core is particularly dense, accounting for a significant portion of Earth's total mass and thus its size.

What are the levels of the biological organizations in order from smallest to largest?

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Asked by Wiki User

The levels of biological organization, from smallest to largest, are: atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms, population, community, ecosystem, biome, and biosphere.

Where does Nobel Prize take place?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Nobel Prize award ceremony takes place in Stockholm, Sweden, with the exception of the Nobel Peace Prize, which is awarded in Oslo, Norway.

What is the amino acid sequence that is coded for the mRNA sequence AUG-ACG-AAA-AGA-AGG-GGA-GCC-GCU-UCC-UAA?

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Asked by Wiki User

The mRNA sequence AUG-ACG-AAA-AGA-AGG-GGA-GCC-GCU-UCC-UAA translates to the amino acid sequence Methionine-Threonine-Lysine-Arginine-Arginine-Glycine-Alanine-Leucine-Serine-Stop.

Why do the American chemical society hold national and regional meetings as standard practice?

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Asked by Wiki User

The American Chemical Society holds national and regional meetings to provide opportunities for chemists to network, share research, and stay updated on the latest developments in the field. These meetings also act as a platform for presenting research findings, collaborating with other researchers, and fostering professional growth within the chemistry community. Additionally, they help promote the exchange of ideas and encourage scientific community building.

How does the French Academy differ from the English Royal Society?

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Asked by Wiki User

The French Academy (Académie française) focuses on promoting the French language and regulating its usage, while the English Royal Society is dedicated to promoting and supporting scientific research and knowledge. The French Academy was established in 1635, making it older than the English Royal Society, which was founded in 1660.

Why is it said that EC is catalyst for fundamental changes in organization?

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Asked by Wiki User

Executive coaching (EC) is seen as a catalyst for fundamental changes in organizations because it provides tailored one-on-one support for individual leaders, helping them develop self-awareness, new perspectives, and behavioral changes that can have a positive ripple effect on the organization as a whole. EC can empower leaders to navigate complex challenges, enhance their communication and interpersonal skills, and drive strategic initiatives, ultimately leading to improved performance and organizational growth.

What are the personnel movement within the organization?

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Asked by Wiki User

Personnel movement within an organization refers to the changes in employee roles, responsibilities, or locations. This could include promotions, transfers, resignations, or new hires. Tracking personnel movement can help organizations understand their workforce dynamics and make informed decisions about talent management and succession planning.

How many atoms of mercury are present in 2.7 cubic centimeters of liquid mercury the density of mercury is 13.55 gcc need the answer in unit of atoms?

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Asked by Wiki User

To find the number of atoms of mercury, you would first need to calculate the mass of mercury present in 2.7 cubic centimeters using its density. Then, convert the mass to moles using the molar mass of mercury. Finally, use Avogadro's number (6.022 x 10^23 atoms per mole) to determine the number of atoms in the given amount.

Does DNA have same basic structure from all organisms?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, DNA has the same basic structure in all organisms. It is composed of nucleotides that include a sugar-phosphate backbone and four nitrogenous bases (adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine). The sequence of these bases varies between organisms, giving rise to genetic diversity.

How the agencies played a major role in disaster response?

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Asked by Wiki User

Agencies play a major role in disaster response by coordinating resources, providing immediate assistance to affected areas, and managing relief efforts. They also work to ensure effective communication between different response teams, promote public safety, and support recovery efforts in the aftermath of disasters.

Describe five characteristics of living things?

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Asked by Wiki User

The five characteristics of living things is that living things are composed of cells, living things have different levels of organization, and living things use energy. The last two is that living things respond to their environment and that living things grow.

What is the sigma chi charge?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Sigma Chi Charge is a set of guiding principles and values that members of the Sigma Chi fraternity strive to uphold. It emphasizes ideals such as friendship, justice, and learning through leadership and personal development. The charge serves as a reminder for members to live by these principles in their daily lives.

How many gallons are in 4.5 cu ft IEC?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are 33.57 gallons in 4.5 cubic feet.

What is the Organization of sound length called?

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Asked by Wiki User

The organization of sound length is called rhythm. It refers to the pattern of sounds and silences in music that create a sense of movement and structure.