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Q: Which uses high-frequency sound waves to make an image of a developing fetus?
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What is involved in a duplex sonogram?

The procedure involves the use of highfrequency sound waves (ultrasound). The ultrasonic waves echo off of the carotid artery to produce a two-dimensional image on a monitor.

When does the fetus respond to light and sound?

when the fetus kicks

How does an ultrasound allow us to see inside the womb?

It bounces sound waves into the womb. The sound waves are then bounced back again and the image that they produce by bouncing around the fetus is relayed and shown on a computer screen. As they sound waves can only bounce around objects they cannot creat colours hence it is in black and white.

Why convert image to sound?

You cannot convert an image to sound. It is because of the difference in the file formats of both.

How old is the fetus when it gains the ability to hear sound?

18 weeks into pregnancy :)

How do 3D ultrasounds work and how detailed are the pictures they take?

3D ultrasounds work by sending sound waves down and around the fetus. The sound wave then bounce back up and are read by software which creates an image, because the sound waves go in more than one direction it allows the picture to be more enhanced and detailed than a regular 2D Ultrasound.

How do you see unborn babies in the uterus?

No. However, when the eyes of the fetus are developed and finally can open and close, they can see light. The fetus may even shield its eyes with its hands if you were to shine a bright flashlight directly into the mother's tummy! The fetus can also hear some things outside the belly once the ears have developed.

Can an ultra sound be a positive way to see if you're pregnant?

Yes they can see the fetus.

What is meaning of single fetus fhs not loclised in ultra sound report of pregnancy?


Can light and sound be relfected or refracted if so what happens to image and sound?

Echoes and reflections.

What word has the same beginning sound as imagine?


What does a presentation document consist of?

text sound image video