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Q: Which vaccine should not be administered to a person with a history of severe allergic reaction to neomycin?
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Are wasps dangerous?

Not normally unless you have a history of an allergic reaction (aka - anaphylaxis) to their venom. because there stings can have venom that can kill you

What are the side effects associated with using motherwort?

No reported side effects over long history of use. Possible allergic reaction from handling motherwort leaves.

Is Abraham Lincoln allergic to anything?

History does not report this.

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Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon.

Your 8 year old daughter has to take movicol half sachets for constipation she has had a rash on her back that gets very itchy is this a side effect?

Yes, it is a side effect. But more likely, it's a mild to moderate allergic reaction to the medication. In any case, this should be reported to the prescribing doctor immediately, and if it is an allergic reaction, the medication should be stopped (in fact, you should stop it until you get the doctor), and a new medication should be prescribed. Note this medication for future medical history reports with other doctors.

What is the medical term meaning inflammation of the skin that tends to occur in persons with a family history of allergic conditions?


What does reaction mean in history?

it means a movement in your face person who gave that other answer your awesome but you have the idea that just not what it means in history

Can marijuana can kill you?

Not a single recorded death in all of medical history

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Why do dogs faces swell up?

There are many potential causes, ranging from anaphylactic shock to trauma to infection to cancer. The time frame of the swelling, age and medical history of the dog and geographic location can help narrow this down, but it would take a veterinarian physically examining your dog to make a good diagnosis.

Your son has small bumps all over his body but no fever He just had his chickenpox vaccine?

Patients sometimes get a rash after chickenpox vaccine. It is possible that he could be contagious if his bumps are due to vaccine. He could be having an allergic reaction to the vaccination, or it could be a coincidence, and not be related to the vaccination. Contact your health care provider for advice specific to your health history.

Why do you have red blotchy itchy rash on lil bits of your face neck wrist im getting these everyday how can it be an allergic reaction when i havent been near to anything im allergic to?

Allergy is a possibility. Note that things you aren't allergic to today, after exposure, may light up a reaction tomorrow. There are other rashes that appear as you describe, but may not be an allergic sign. Also, there's the possibility of insect bites. If the onset of these is slow and contained -- they aren't growing fast and mocing everywhere, you might talk to your pharmacist about Benadryl (diphenhydramine) -- an antihistimine with few side effects (you'll be sleepy), lots of history, and good effectiveness. You can try coffee with Bennedryl, but it is not reccomended to take all the time. It can damage your liver with extended use. Try Claratin and get in to see a Dr. You may have missed something you are allergic to. You may have developed a new allergy. It is also very possible you have more allergies than you are aware of. There are food, inhalant, chemical, mold, pollens, medications and cloth allergies these all can be an issue. Additionally there are skin conditions caused by internal problems. You may seek homeopathic healing also.