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starchy means it has lots of carbohydrats. most vegtabes like letuce are not starchy

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Q: Which vegetable is not a starchy vegetable?
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Is an artichoke a starch or vegetable?

Turnip is a starchy vegetable. It is a vegetable and a starch. It is both because it is a root vegetable which is grown underground. If you want to gain some weight, starchy vegetables are good in your diet. There are many more vegetables containing starch such as Potatoes and Carrots.

What is the use of starchy vegetable?

Starchy vegetables are those with the most calories and are a source of carbohydrates as well as fiber. Most carbohydrates are found in grains.

Crackers vegetable and pasta are exampleof carbohydrates?

Crackers vegetable and pasta are examples of carbohydrates, in starch and starchy vegetables group

Is irish potato a starchy vegetable?

Yes, potatoes are high in starch and carbohydrates.

Are peas a vegetables?

Yes, peas are a vegetable, just not in the same sense as broccoli. Peas are considered a starchy vegetable.. They do not provide the same health benefits as other non-starchy vegetables.

What does cassava mean?

The cassava is a starchy root vegetable also known as the yuca or tappioca. The cassava is a starchy root vegetable also known as the yuca or tappioca. The cassava is a starchy root vegetable also known as the yuca or tappioca.