

Which vegetables have ions

Updated: 9/15/2023
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Q: Which vegetables have ions
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How do vegetables conduct electricity?

its cuz they r so awesomely electric if u eat an aple u can get shoked and die---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The vegetable to conduct electricity it must contain free ions like in lemon, which contains free ions as it is acidic.

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A paper strip impregnated with a reagent specific for the nitrate ion; it is useful for the rapid and aproximative determination of the nitrate ions in water, soils, vegetables, etc.

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potatoes have salt and water which makes ions when are mixed. Ions are groups of atoms that make an electric net that has a positive and negative charge like a battery. Batteries charges things so why not a potato?

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Salt water is water that has salt (sodium chloride) ions dissolved in it. It is what is found in the oceans.

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As the concentration of hydronium ions (H+ ions) increases or as the concentration of hydroxyl ions (OH- ions) decreases, the pH of the solution decreases

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In an acidic solution chromate ions are converted into dichromate ions.

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Ammonium ions

Do positive ions form faster than negative ions?

yes positive ions are faster then negative ions

Charged atoms are called?

Charged atoms are called ions.

Ions that are made of more than one atom are examples of what?

Ions made up of more than one atom are called polyatomic ions.

What types of ions are presented in salt?

In a slat positive ions and negative ions. In common salt, sodium chloride, sodium ions, Na+ and chloride ions Cl-