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Vitamin K.

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Q: Which vitamin is most important in blood clotting?
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How does calcium helps in blood clotting?

Calcium works together with vitamin K and a protein called fibrinogen in the clotting cascade. Without adequate levels of calcium and vitamin K, blood will take longer to clot, and if both nutrients are missing you might bleed to death. Most people gain enough calcium and vitamin K from their diets, but in some cases supplements may be prescribed.

What is the most important natural body anticoagulant?

The most important natural body anticoagulant is heparin. Heparin is usually administered by injection to prevent the blood from clotting.

What is the most important vitamin?

vitamin c

What causes the clotting of the blood.?

There are a number of things but stress and pregnancy are most likely

Why are platelets so important?

Platelets are the "clotting" factors of blood. They stick together to form clots and seal up cuts in blood vessels. Take a scab for instance, a scab is nothing more than dried up, exposed blood platelets sealing off a wound from infection.

What vitamin is most vulnerable to interactions with drugs?

Vitamin K has serious interactions with some blood thinner (such as warfarine - Coumadin). This interaction is very important and should be monitored very closely.

The blood clotting protein made in the liver is called what?

The blood clotting protein made in the liver is called fibrin. Along with blood coagulation (the complex blood clotting process), fibrin is involved in signal transduction, platelet activation, and protein polymerization.

Two components of blood that make clotting possible?

The most important part of clotting is the platelets. These cells are designed specifically to activate when bleeding occurs. However, special proteins are required to allow the platelets to do their job. ,

How are vitamin tests done?

Most of the vitamin tests are conducted by acquiring a sample of blood, and then preparing plasma or serum from the blood sample.

What is the most likely adverse event that could result from switching an infant with congenital heart disease who is taking warfarin from breast milk to formula?

Warfarin works by slowing the blood clotting process down. It prevents the clotting proteins( vitamin K) from doing their job fully. Babies on formula may require higher doses of Warfarin because there is less vitamin K in formula than there is in breast milk. So, the most likely adverse event would be thrombosis since there won't be adequate level of Warfarin in the blood if the dose is not adjusted.

What is the most rare chemical change?

may be....a blood clotting while a blood transfusion.very........ rare.cause it is irreversible!and anything which is irreversible, that is.................................

What is required to clot blood?

A lot of substances are involved in blood clotting. It is a very large and complex picture. Without writing a whole essay, the best I can do for you is make a short list of critical components: 1. A healthy bone marrow (this is where the platelets are produced) 2. A healthy liver (this is where most of the proteins of the clotting cascade are produced) 3. Vitamin K In addition, these common substances enhance blood clotting: 1. COX-2 inhibitors (any drug that ends with "coxib") 2. nicotine 3. bacterial products such as lipopolysaccharides