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Q: Which wandering people are believed to have originated in India?
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Sanskrit is believed to have originated in India. Therefore, no one brought it.

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The basic concept for chess developed in India.Chess is commonly believed to have be originated in India in the ancient name caturanga with a sanskrit from the four divisions of military (infantry, cavalry, elephants, chariotry).-source: Wikipedia-

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The tree is believed to have originated in the rain forests of the Western Ghats in India.

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he sais it come from India people.

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The majority of Roma people, often referred to as "gypsies," are believed to have originated from Northwestern India. Over the centuries, they have migrated to various parts of the world, with significant populations in Europe, particularly in the Balkans and Eastern Europe.

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Hinduism was originated in India.

Where does Hinduism originated?


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The Begal Tiger Originated In India Some People Just Look At The Name And Say Bangladesh But No Just Because Of The Name Similarity But It Originated In India And Always Will Be.......

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eastern philosophy Confucionism originated in China, Buddhism in India.

Which country made chess?

It is commonly believed that a game that later evolved into chess, called chaturanga, originated in India around the 6th century AD.

Why did Buddhism develop in India?

Why can't people get it? Buddhism is NOT important to India because it did NOT originate from India. IT ORIGINATED FROM NEPAL, SOUTHWESTERN NEPAL.

In what area did Hinduism originated?

the Hindu religion originated in India. there is an old wives tale; At first Indians were all called hindus, but as time went on, Indians converted to other religions. people started to find out that sayin Hindu, sounded similar to indu, therefore we are called Indians. pleasure Miss.DQ