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A decision on the structure of the legislature

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Q: Which was part of the great compromise in the U.S. Constitution?
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What part of the Great Compromise in the US Constitution?

Two legislative houses with different methods of representation

What was the part of great compromise in the US constitution?

Two legislative houses with different methods of representation

What is a bundle of compromise?

The bundle of compromise was a name for the US Constitution mainly because of the Great compromise and the 3/5 compromise

What was an outcome the Great Compromise in the US constitution?

A bicameral legislature

What was an outcome in the great compromise in the US constitution?

A bicameral legislature

Which part of the Great Compromise in the US constitution?

A decision on the structure of the legislature Two legislative houses with different methods of representation

What agreement resulted fro the debate about state population in the US constitution?

The Great Compromise

What compromise created the two houses of congress?

It was called "The Great Compromise" and settled the composition of the new US Congress under the Constitution (1787).

What historians say America's greatest genius is its ability to compromise How did compromise lead to the ratification of the US Constitution?

The Great Compromise (decided between the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan) and the Three Fifths Compromise (3/5's of slaves are counted in the population [due to the Great Compromise, the number of seats in Congress a state has depends on their population]) led to the US Constitution.

What kind compromise was necessary for the Constitution to be accepted?

The main compromise in the original US Constitution was about slavery, which was permitted in some states and prohibited in others.

Which plan proposed that bills to raise money would originate in the lower house?

Connecticut Compromise

What were the major concepts and compromises of the constitution?

The US constitution have a compromise, it have the rules and all the things that may have a country