

Which was the first metal found on earth?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Probable gold.

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Q: Which was the first metal found on earth?
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What year was metal found?

Metal was formed when the earth was being created. When the first humaniod walked the earth, he found the first metallic ore

Were was metal first found?

The first place metal was found was in pencilveinya

Why is gold found mainly as the metal itself in the Earth?

Gold is so unreactive it does not react with anything, so it is mainly found as the metal itself in the earth.

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Alkaline earth metals are in the second group. Be is the first metal of them.

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It is found in the lithosphere, which is the solid part of the earth.

What are found in the earth's crust?

coal, metal and gemstones are the main 3 things found in the Earth's crust.

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The most abundant metal in the earth's crust is the post transition metal, aluminum. It is found at about 82,300 ppm. It is the third ranked element, with oxygen being first and silicon second.

Where is sodium metal generally found?

It is not found as a pure metal on Earth. It can be obtained from its chloride salt (Table salt).

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Earth Metal 2

Where did neodymium come from?

Neodymium is a rare metal found on earth. It is found in misch metal, and makes up about eighteen percent of it.

Why metals are found from earths core?

Metal is found in Earths core because Earth has a simpathic cycle.Earth has clumps of metal in its core to STOP gases from the sun getting into earth

What is one metal that is found at the core of the earth?

Iron & nickel