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It was darkness , but Pharaoh only allowed the people to go after the tenth plaque.

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Darkness. See Exodus chapter 7 verse 11

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Q: Which was the ninth plague brought upon Egypt to persuade the pharaoh to let the isrealites go?
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Who caused the ten plague?

The 10 Plagues were brought about on Egypt by Yawheh, the God of the Isrealites, due to the Pharoah's refusing of letting the enslaved Israelites go as the story goes in the chapter of Exodus in the Old Testament.

Why is the 10th plague significant in regards to passover?

It was the plague after which Pharaoh finally freed the Israelites.

What was the last plague to hit the equiptians at passover?

It was the death of the first born. This included Pharaoh but the plague skipped him to teach him a lesson.

What was the disease that was brought in Britain?

The horrible disease, plague, was brought in Britain.

What was the name of the pharaoh's son killed during the time of moses?

We are not give the name of Pharaoh's son who was killed in the 10th plague in Egypt.

What was brought with the sailors that transported the plague?

they guns

How many plague sent upon Egypt?

God sent ten plagues trying to prove Pharaoh (Rameses the second) that God is real and letting the Isrealites free from slavery. Seven days of blood, frogs, gnats, flies, death of the Egyptians' animals, boils (sores), hail, locusts, three days of darkness, and the firstborn of Egypt.

How did pharaoh react to the tenth plauge?

the Pharaoh set the Israelites free because his first and only son died ( he died in the tenth plague he was very upset.

What steps eventually brought the plague under control?


What did most immigrants die from?

Diseases that they were not immune to. Most diseases were brought to their colonies because of ships. The ships brought rats, bacteria, and other things without meaning to. Alot of people died in Europe because of the Black Plague. The black plague was a disease brought by rats brought by ships bringing cargo. The Black Plague is usually referred to as the Black Death.

What brought an end to the Feudal System?

the black plague and magna carta

How were the plague-carrying rats brought to Europe?

Traders brought rats carrying disease to Mediterranean ports in 1347