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Currents in the Northern Hemisphere move in a clockwise direction. Currents in the Southern Hemisphere move in a counter clockwise direction.

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Q: Which way do currents move in the northern hemisphere southern hemisphere?
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How does currents affect the coriolis effect?

The coriolis effect makes ocean currents move in a curved path.

How do cyclones move?

Cyclones in the Southern hemisphere spin in a clockwise direction. Cyclones in the Northern hemisphere spin in a counterclockwise direction.

Do low pressure systems move clockwise or counterclockwise?

Counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere. Clockwise in the southern.

What causes water currents?

Surface ocean currents are mainly wind-driven and occur in all of the world's oceans. Examples of large surface currents that move across vast expanses of ocean are the Gulf Stream, the North Atlantic Current, the California Current, the Atlantic South Equatorial Current, and the Westwind Drift. Associated with surface currents are counter-surface and underlying currents. Surface ocean currents are deflected to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere due to the Coriolis effect. The Coriolis effect holds that because the Earth is spinning, surface waters move in a clockwise direction in the Northern Hemisphere and in a counterclockwise direction in the Southern Hemisphere. The currents eventually come into contact with the continents which deflect them, creating giant oceanic current circles known as gyres. Vertical and ocean-bottom currents are mainly driven by density differences caused by changes in temperature and salinity. Originating in polar regions, cold, salty waters sink to the ocean bottom and move toward the opposite poles where they again surface. Vertical upwelling currents can also be caused by winds "blowing off" a coastline. The displaced waters are then replaced by underlying bottom waters. Currents are important to marine life as they help to move food and nutrients, making them available for photosynthesis, metabolic requirements and/or consumption.

How do surface currents develop?

Deep ocean currents are caused by 3 things:change in temperaturechange in salinity by evaporationchange in salinity by freezingBecause colder water and saltier water are more dense, they sink, and the motion causes deep currents.

Related questions

What direction do surface currents move?

The surface currents move in a clockwise direction in the Northern hemisphere, and move in a counter clockwise direction in the Southern hemisphere! Hope it helped:)

Which way do currents rotate in the southern hemisphere?

The gyres rotate counter clockwise in the southern hemisphere, and clockwise in the northern hemisphere.

What directions do ocean currents move?

currents rise and then go down ,which it in cycle to add on to the above; the currents move clockwise in the northern hemisphere and counter-clockwise in the southern hemisphere

Which of the following statements IS NOT true concerning ocean currents?

The gyres move counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere

What direction do the ocean currents move in the southern hemisphere?

The Coriolis effect holds that because the Earth is spinning, surfacewaters move in a clockwise direction in the Northern Hemisphere and in acounterclockwise direction in the Southern Hemisphere.

Does surface currents move counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere?


What direction do the ocean currents move in the northern hemisphere?


How does currents affect the coriolis effect?

The coriolis effect makes ocean currents move in a curved path.

Which way do the wind and water currents move in the northern hemisphere?


Why must sundials being used in the northern hemisphere be reversed in the southern hemisphere?

During northern hemisphere summer the sun is in the northern sky in the southern hemisphere. Our sun in the northern hemisphere is almost always in the southern sky unless your south of the tropic of cancer so this is why you have to reverse the sundials if you move to the southern hemisphere.

Does a cyclone move in a counterclockwise motion?

In the Northern Hemisphere, yes. In the Southern Hemisphere, no.

Do surface currents move clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere?

no to the right