

Which way does Jupiter rotate

Updated: 9/13/2023
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Q: Which way does Jupiter rotate
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How long does Jupiter take to rotate in a yeaer?

it exactly takes 4,331 earth days for Jupiter to rotate in a year.

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When does Jupiter rotate around the sun?

Jupiter takes about 12 years to orbit the sun.

What is the rotation of Jupiter in hours?

It takes 9hr and 55 minutes for Jupiter to rotate on its axis.

Does Jupiter rotate faster then earth?

Yes. The planet Jupiter rotates once in about 11 hours.

How many hour does Jupiter rotate?

9 hours

Does the moon rotate around Jupiter?

The moon we see doesn't, but all of Jupiter's moons do. (About 50)

Why does Jupiter rotate faster than Venus?

Because Jupiter is so big, it spins faster.

Does Jupiter rotate and revolve clockwise or counterclockwise?

Anti-clockwise viewed using the North Pole of Earth as "top"

Does Jupiter rotate horizontally or vertically?

Only one planet rotates on it's side and Jupiter isn't it. Verticlally is my answer.

How many hours does Jupiter rotate around the sun?

Not hours - Jupiter orbits around the Sun in 11.86 years.

When does Jupiter rotate?

Jupiter is always rotating; it cannot stop. Jupiter takes approximately 9 hours and 55 minutes to complete one rotation.