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counter clockwise

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Q: Which way does the moon rotate on its axis clockwise or counter-clockwise?
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Does the moon rotate clockwise or counterclockwise?

The moon rotates counterclockwise just like Earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does the moon go clockwise or counterclockwise?

Counter clockwise

What does the moon do on its axis?


What way does the moon rotate?

counter clockwise

Which direction does the moon rotate?

Counter clockwise

Does the moon lo rotate on its axis?


How does it take for the to rotate on its axis?

The moon has an axis, and as the moon orbits the Earth, it keeps the same face toward the earth. So the moon rotates on its axis the same length of time it takes to rotate the earth -28 days.

How long for moon to rotate on axis?

27.32 days

How often does the Moon rotate in its axis?

27.32 days

Do all 8 planets orbit the sun counter-clockwise?

Yes, all of the planets in out solar system orbit the sun counterclockwise (anticlockwise) when viewed from above the north pole looking 'down'. Not all of them rotate counterclockwise on their axis though, the two exceptions are Venus and Uranus.

What would happen if the moon did not rotate about its axis?

Dude hello, the moon doesn't rotate on its axis. It rotates around the Earth but stays facing the same way, the first time man ever saw the dark side of the moon was when Apollo 11 delivered the first people onto the moon. But the Earth on the other hand does rotate on its axis.

Does the moon and the sun rotate around the sun?

Neither. The Sun and the Moon both rotate around their own axis. See related questions.