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Q: Which way is the accent mark on the last e in the word meile in Lithuanian?
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Does sabe have an accent mark in spanish?

No, the word "sabe" does not have an accent mark in Spanish. The accent mark is not needed because it follows the normal rules of stress in the Spanish language. "Sabe" is the third person singular form of the verb "saber," meaning "to know."

Does Guatemala have an accent mark?

yes, over the very last letter (a)

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What do you call the punctuation mark used in French spelling?

The accent mark over this letter é is an acute accent. The accent mark over this letter è is a grave accent. The accent mark over this letter ê is a circumflex accent. The mark under this letter ç is a cedilla.

What is if in Spanish?

if = si (withOUT the accent mark) yes = Sí (with the accent mark)

Does television have an accent mark in spanish?

No. Now, if you spell it out as "televisión", you do use an accent mark.

What nationality is the name berube?

Originally French, where each "e" had an accent mark over it. It then became French Canadian with only an accent mark on the last "e," until eventually dropping both accent marks all together.

Does the word mesa have an accent?

Yes, the word "mesa" does have an accent on the second syllable.

Is it correct to say ''Puérto Rico'' with an accent mark above the e or ''Puerto Rico'' with no accent mark?

The accent is normally omitted in English.

Does Chile have an accent mark?

No. It is pronounced CHEE-lay. When a word ends with a vowell, the normal accent is the syllable before last. If the rule is not followed, a written accent is required. As in México. MEH-hi-co. Without the accent, it would be pronounced Me-HEE-co.

Where is the accent in frecuencia?

The accent in "frecuencia" is on the letter "e", making it sound like "fre-KWEN-syah".

Is there an accent mark in si?

There is an accent if you're saying yes.