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The Mean.

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Q: Which way of calculating a statistical average is skewed by an extreme score?
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How can Statistics answer questions yet sometimes lead to incorrect decisions?

garbage on garbage out data has been skewed knowingly to obtain the correct statistical results to validate a study

When might you want to use the median to describe the center of a data set instead of then mean?

You would use the median if the data were very skewed, with extreme values.

What is a sentence with skewed in it?

Due to systematic error, my results are skewed.

When is data negatively or positively skewed?

i) Since Mean<Median the distribution is negatively skewed ii) Since Mean>Median the distribution is positively skewed iii) Median>Mode the distribution is positively skewed iv) Median<Mode the distribution is negatively skewed

How skewness can effect on analysis of a study?

If the mean is greater than mode the distribution is positively skewed.if the mean is less than mode the distribution is negatively skewed.if the mean is greater than median the distribution is positively skewed.if the mean is less than median the distribution is negatively skewed. 18-226

How do you use the word skewed in a sentence?

The retaining wall is skewed perfectly.

What is the shape of a frequency distribution with an arithmetic mean of 800 pounds median of 758 pounds and a mode of 750 pounds?

As the mean is greater than the median it will be positively skewed (skewed to the right), and if the median is larger than the mean it will be negatively skewed (skewed to the left)

When is finding the average not useful?

There is no meaningful average wen data are categorical (qualitative). Also, the arithmetic mean is not a good measure of central tendency when the data distribution is skewed.

What does it mean when a set of votes has been skewed?

When a set of votes has been skewed it means that either the mean is higher than the median or lower. If it is higher the vote is said to be skewed to the right and when lower it is skewed to the left.

Can a normal distribution curve be symmetric or left-skewed or right-skewed?


Who invented skewed distribution?

Nobody invented skewed distributions! There are more distributions that are skewed than are symmetrical, and they were discovered as various distribution functions were discovered.

How do you use skewed in a sentence?

Skewed is an irregular adjective because it ends in -ed. An example of a sentence would be, "The results of his test were skewed due to the teacher's mistakes." Or you could say something like, "His conception of religion was skewed."