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Both these planets have solid rocky surface like the earth but both don't have the oxygen atmosphere, water and life

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Q: Which ways are Venus and mars alike but different from earth?
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How are earth and Mars are alike and different?

earth and mars are like and different because they have a atmosphere and gravity

How is mars and Venus alike?

they are both hot

Mercury veniis earth and mars in biggest to least?

Earth > Venus > Mercury > Mars

Which are the terrestrials planets?

Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars

What is earth's nearest neigbors Mars and?

The Earth's nearest neighboring planets are Venus and Mars. Venus is closer to the Earth than Mars is.

Which planet is nearer to the earth planet?

Mars is closest to Earth, then Venus, and so on.

What 2 planets are closest to earth?

venus and mars

How is earth and Mars alike List 4 ways?

Earth and mars are totally different. Earth is green and blue. Mars is red & brown. WE live on earth and martitans live on Mars. Mars is not cool but earth is. Earth has living things mars doesnt.!!!!

Earth is between witch planets?

Earth is between Venus and Mars. Well, not really; but the orbit of Earth is between the orbits of Venus and Mars. Venus, Mars and Earth never actually "line up".

What is the surface of Mercury Venus Earth and Mars?

Mercury,Venus , Earth, and Mars all have rocky surfaces.

The first four planets are called the?

Mercury,Venus,earth,and mars

What planets are the inner planets?

Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.