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A kilogram of feathers is 1kg

2.3 pounds of lead is 1.04326245 kilograms

Using Newton's First Law We have that

Fnet = ma

This meaning that the net force of the 2 items is due to the product of the objects mass and the acceleration which acts upon it. The result is measured in Newtons.

The acceleration in this case is gravity which is 9.8 m/s2 average here in the earth, this value changes due to the position the object is in the earth, the closer you are to the equator the closer you are to 9.8 m/s2.

Now We have that

1kg of feathers weights = (1kg) * (9.8m/s2) = 9.8 N

1.04326245 kg of lead weights = (1.04326245kg) * (9.8m/s2) = 10.22397201 N

Now we can conclude that 2.3 lbs of lead weight more than 1kg of feathers.

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Q: Which weighs more a kilogram of feathers or 2.3 pounds of lead?
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