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Q: Which will erode faster a hill with a gentle slope or a hill with a sleep slope?
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What type of slope will erode quicker a gentle slope or a steep slope?

A steep slope, due to the velocity of the water/runoff.

Which dune do you think is likely to erode faster?

A dune with a steeper slope is likely to erode faster because it is more susceptible to wind and water erosion. Additionally, dunes located in areas with high winds or strong water currents will erode more quickly than dunes in calmer environments.

Why is the slope more gentle at the base of a mesa?

A mesa is, in general, an area of flat-topped land with fairly steeply sloped sides. As the sides of a mesa weather and erode, material will accumulate along the base of the slopes. This will decrease the steepness of the slope at the base.

What happens to the ability of a river to erode land under it if its slope decreases?

If a rivers slope decreases, its ability to erode land under it decreases too. The slope determines the rivers velocity. The steeper the slope, the higher the velocity, the more erosion.

Where would soil erode the fastest?

On a steep slope

How are contour lines shown for a gentle slope?

Contours for a gentle slope are spaced equally and far apart, the closer the contour lines the steeper the slope.

Which set of conditions would produce the most runoff of precipitation?

gentle slope, unsaturated soil, vegetation

What are the factors that allow a river to erode materials?

The slope of the river, its discharge, and the shape of the riverbed.the velocity of the water. the hardness of the mineral its trying to erode, the harder it is the longer it will take to erode.

Does the continental slope has a gentle slant?

Comparatively it has.

What is a gentle slope?

When the contour lines are farther apart, this means that the slopes between them are gentle. On the other side, if the contour interval is smaller, the slope will be steep.

What is the definitions of cues?

A ridge of limestone with a steep slope and a gentle slope on the other side

What is the name of a geological ridge characterized by a gentle slope facing a steep slope?
