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Q: Which word does not go with the group averang?
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Where does the syllables in the word group go?

In the back of the 's

What is the word assembled?

it means to get in a group or group together. for more information go to

What is the french word for group?

The French word for group is groupe.

Voices are in a quintet?

they are a five word singging group. they are a five word singging group. they are a five word singging group.

Where does a suffex go?

A suffix is a letter or group of letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning or create a new word. It is typically added after the root or base word.

What is the meaning of the word lead?

Lead can mean to go in the front of a group, or as a noun it is a soft, heavy metal

What is the Luhya word for the English word group?

The African Luhya word for the English word 'group' is "eshikundi".

What is the word for a word that is only used in a group of people?

group or crowd

How many syllables are in the word group?

The word group has one syllable.

What is a word for a group of customers?

The word is shoppers. It means a group of individuals who are shopping.

What is another word for a large group?

another word for large group is clan.

is school a concrete noun are a abstract noun?

The noun 'school' is a concrete noun as a word for a place that people go to learn; a word for the students and/or teachers of such a place; a word for a group of fish; a word for a physical place; a physical group of people or things.The noun 'school' is an abstract noun as a word for the process of being educated formally; a theoretical group of people who share the same opinions, beliefs, or methods; a word for a concept.