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In called you have (pronounce) /d/, because /l /is a voiced sound; in asked you pronounce /t/ because /k/ is an unvoiced sound; in added or decided you pronounce /id/ because when you have -d or -t at the root of the word, the rule is to pronounce -ed is /id/.

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Q: Which word has the different -ed ending sound?
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Is stold a word?

Stold is not a word. It is sometimes a childish error for "stole", by adding the usual past ending "ed" to the irregular past formed by changing the vowel sound. This is a mistake not a word. There is a word "stolid" meaning phlegmatic, unemotional and disinclined to change.

Is ed on the end of a word considered a syllable?

No. -ed makes it sound like an extra syllable but it isn't.

Are Irregular verbs form their past tense by ending with -d or -ed?

The past tense of irregular verbs do not end in -ed. Each past tense of an irregular verb is a different word that must be learned. The past tense of regular verbs end in -ed.

When is the e in an ed past-tense verb ending pronounced?

The vowel sound in the past tense "-ed" ending is pronounced only if the root form ends in "t" or "d". For example, it is pronounced in the words "batted" and "skidded".

What does the ending word ed mean in past tense?

Generally, many verbs will add "ed" to the ending to symbolize that it is the past tense. Example: Walked, Jumped, Hugged, Climbed, Played.

Is wish a regular ed ending or irregular past tense ending?

The past tense ending "ed" in "wish" is considered regular. The verb "wish" follows the regular verb conjugation pattern of adding "ed" to form the past tense.

Regular verbs form their past tense by ending with -d or -ed.?

By ending with -ed.

Do regular verbs form their past tense by ending with d or ed?

By ending with -ed.

What sound is made by the suffix ed in these words missed added spelled?

Each of these is a unique sound: 'Missed' is pronounced like 'mist'. In the word 'added' the 'ed' is its own syllable - ad ed. 'Spelled' is pronounced like 'speld'.