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Q: Which word part is the suffix in dancer?
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Is ight a suffix?

No; it is not a suffix due to it being part of the word. "TION" is a suffix, since it changes the word and not always having to be part of the word.

What part of speech is the word dancer?

The word dancer is a noun. A dancer is one who dances.

The -ful part of the word tasteful is a suffix or perfix?


Which word part is the suffix in player?

The suffix in player is -er.

Why is the word suffix called suffix?

A suffix is a word part added to the end of a word to change its meaning. For example help + er = helper

Is the er in container a suffix?

No, the "-er" in "container" is not a suffix. It is part of the base word and does not change the word's meaning or function. A suffix is a word part added to the end of a base word to form a new word or modify its meaning.

Does the word achieve have a prefix of suffix?

There is a suffix because "achieve" is the root word and "ed" is the added part, so it is a suffix. A prefix is added at the beginning of a word and a suffix is added to the end of a word.

What affects a word part of speech?

The suffix affects a word's part of speech. For example, the word 'happy' is an adjective. When you change the suffix, it changes the part of speech. If you change 'happy' into 'happiness' it becomes a noun; when you change it into 'happily' it becomes an adverb.

What part of speech is ING?

The word "-ing" is a suffix. You will see this suffix on the end of gerunds.

What is the part of speech of dancers?

The word dancer is a noun. A dancer is one who dances.

What is the suffix for the word cyst?

cyst- is a prefix, not a suffix, and means pertaining to the urinary bladder

Which part of the word extraordinary is the suffix?
