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Q: Which word would likely be used to describe someone who is extremely passive?
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Which word is likely to be used if someone is extremely passive?

Bovine could be a word used to describe someone who is extremely passive.

One who talks about others always?

Someone who is extremely insecure in themselves and most likely is jealous

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What is a passive follower?

A passive follower is someone who observes or consumes content on social media platforms without actively engaging by liking, commenting, or sharing posts. They may be less likely to participate in discussions or contribute their own content.

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The efflux of potassium ions is maintained by passive potassium channels.

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The efflux of potassium ions is maintained by passive potassium channels.

Is it possible to write a love poem about someone but not describe them in any way?

its possable but its not likely to because you want them to see that your dicresbing them in a good way

What is the most likely reason the writer uses the passive voice?

Legalize marijuana! <3

What is most likely reason the writer used the passive voice?

Legalize marijuana! <3

What is the most likely reason the writer used passive voice?

Legalize marijuana! <3