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Forsooth, methinks the response to thine query is most evident in literature dating from the Victorian era back to the 1300s or Twelfth century. The longer the word the (usually) more formal it is. A playful child can be mischievous or capricious.

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1mo ago

Words with formal diction include "therefore," "furthermore," "consequently," and "nevertheless." These words are commonly used in academic and professional settings to convey a sense of formality and seriousness.

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Q: Which words have the most formal diction?
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What is Formal Diction?

formal diction is speaking or releasing words with certain enunciation.

What is the difference between formal and informal diction?

The difference between formal and informal diction is the words that you use. Formal diction is official, business type, and appropriate wording. Informal diction is casual wording.

What is diction in poetry?

Diction is the choice of words chosen by the speaker or poet. The words may be long and formal, or short and easy to understand. Either way, diction has a great effect on the poem.

Which example would use the most FORMAL diction?

A formal example of diction would be "The board of directors convened to deliberate on the strategic plan for the upcoming fiscal year."

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There so many phrases that has the least formal diction. For instance the phrase kick back has an informal diction which makes is least formal type of diction.

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formal, informal, and, normal

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What words can you use for a formal letter?

Use scholarly but simple diction and avoid using contractions like can't, don't, and isn't.

How can you describe the diction in The Crucible?

Millers diction is formal, yet simple and easy to understand. His language is plain and concise.