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Q: Which would have more biodiversity a wetland or a forest?
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Temperate forests have more seasonal changes or Temperate forests have less biodiversity. rainforests have more biodiversity

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It depends on the deciduous forest. ( size,biodiversity)

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cuz it has a dick

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Variety of life within an area?

It depends on the ecosystem. Ones that are found in the desert are much different than those found in a rain forest. There are many more types found in the rain forest than in a desert as well.

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Why natural primary forests contain more biodiversity than single-species forestry plantations?

It resembles an actual forest unlike a single species forest.

A dam is removed upriver from a wetland causing the river to bring much more freshwater to the wetland. What types of species in the wetland would be most negatively affected by this ch?

uh ygvbbgg

Why overpopulation leads to loss of biodiversity?

because over population leads instability in the ecocycle of the environment for e.g if population of tigers is more in a forest the herbivores animals would be extincted soon...............

Why an Arctic ecosystem would be more fragile than a southern forest ecosystem?

An arctic ecosystem will be more fragile than a southern forest ecosystem because, it has much less biodiversity and there is a substancial difference in the amount of plants and animals that make up the ecosystem. Hope this helped everyone...