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it continues to thicken, but growth of the endometrian cells stop

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12y ago

Where are you getting these questions? If its from a lab for a Biology teacher at GHS I know what your going through. If not good luck. But I don't have the answer to the question sorry.

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Q: While progesterone stays at a high level what happens to the lining of the uterus?
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Can you have a dnc while pregnant?

If you have a D and C while pregnant the fetus will be aborted. A D and C stands for the uterus to be dialated and the lining to be cut. or scraped to rid the uterus of the lining

What happens in the uterus during menses?

Menstruation is the process through which the uterine lining is shed.If pregnancy doesn't occur the drop in progesterone causes the uterine lining to break-down, tissue and blood leave the uterus and exit the body via the vagina - this is menstruation or a period. Some women will also experience a withdrawal bleeding while using hormonal birth control which is similar to menstruation but there is less uterine tissue lost so can be lighter.

Which effect does an increase in the hormone progesterone produce?

The ovaries produce progesterone. Changing progesterone levels could cause menstruation and menopausal symptoms that are not the norm. The hormone will help implant a fertilized egg in the uterus, or help maintain pregnancy. Progesterone is not to be taken while pregnant unless otherwise specified.

What is the menstrual flow?

Menstruation is the process in which the uterus lining breaks down and leaves the body - thus menstrual flow consists of uterus lining and blood from the uterus lining breaking down, it can also contain cervical mucus picked-up while the menstrual flow passes through the vaginal opening, and discharge from within the vagina.

Can you still have a period then be pregnant?

No, you can't menstruate while pregnant. Menstruation only occurs when the egg released during ovulation isn't fertilised, if it is fertilised then the egg will implant in the uterus lining - if the uterus lining were to shed it would cause miscarriage.

Where the semen was released into the female?

The semen is released into the vagina, while the egg is reaching the lining of the uterus, the sperm penetrates the egg.

Why dont boys have periods?

From WikipediaMenstruation is the shedding of the uterine lining (endometrium). It occurs on a regular basis in reproductive-age females of certain mammal species.The answer to your question is the while a girl has a uterus, and therefore a uterine lining which can be shed every month, boys do not. The uterus is where the baby is grown before it is born.

Where did the fertilised egg develop before the baby was born?

The egg is fertilized in one of the fallopian tubes and instantly begins to develop there. But, while developing it continues to travel down that tube and into the uterus. In the uterus it sticks to and becomes implanted in the lining of the uterus, where it finishes development.

Why do women stop having periods during pregnancy?

Your period is the breakdown of the uterine lining. Once a pregnancy is established by the embryo implanting in the uterine lining, the hormone hCG and progesterone kick in to prevent the breakdown. While pregnant the lining does not break down because it is being used to support the placenta and fetus.

Is it possible to be pregnant while have menstruation?

If you bleed during pregnancy it's not menstruation. It can sometimes seem like it but it's not. And it's usually lighter. If you are menstruating however you can not be pregnant. You menstruate because the uterus is shedding the lining since no egg is fertilized and attached to it. When pregnant you do not release eggs and the uterus can not shed the lining since then you would have a miscarriage.

Can you have your period while pregnat?

False.It is physically impossible to get your menstruation cycle (period) while you are pregnant. The reason being that your period happens because eggs are being released from your ovaries. Your uterus creates a cushioning wall for that egg, if it ever happened to be fertilized, thus getting you pregnant. If the egg is not fertilized, the uterus lining is no longer needed so you shed it in the form of blood through your vagina. This is your period. When you get pregnant, the egg and sperm untie to make a baby, and you need the cushioning uterus lining so your body does not shed it.

What happens if you swallow a cherry stone while pregnant?

Nothing, you'll be fine. Stomach and uterus are not connected