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Q: While the five pertain to tool forr studying the five pertain to what geographers will study?
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What The five pertain to what geographers study while the five pertain to tools for studying any topic.?

Subfields; themes

The five pertain to tools for studying any topic while the five pertain to what geographers study?

themes; subfields -apex

What things do geographers study?

Geographers study about the land

Why is an academic word?

An academic word is a word you would encounter if you were studying at university. They could be words that pertain to a particular field of study

What two things do all geographers study?

geographers study the earth, its landforms, landmarks, natural resources, and etc.

Geographers study how people?

geographers study how people interact with each other

Why do geographers study human study human environment relationships?

Because geographers are sexy.. ;)

What geographers study?

geographers study the earth, its landforms, landmarks, natural resources, and etc.

What three levels do geographers study the world?

Geographers look at the world in local, regional, and global levels. A physical geographer studies natural environment while human geographers study human society.

What kinds of social groups of geographers study?

i think the the social group geographers study is culture

Geographers use what type of perspective to study the world?

The Geographers to study the world use SPATIAL.

What kinds of scientists study geography?

Geographers... There are many kinds of geographers, however, like cartographers for example. Cartographers are geographers that make and study maps. (Cartography = study of maps)