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A Bengal tiger's favorite fod is:chital,wild boar,monkeys,gaur,and buffalo

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Q: White Bengal tiger's favorite food
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What is the Bengal tiger's regular food?

White Bengal tigers eat the same diet as regular Bengal tigers: They hunt ... also eat food that we would not consider to be the food of a carnivore. Like house cats, tigers ...

What are some needs of white tigers?

The needs would be the same as all Bengal tigers. Food, water, and cover for concealment. There has not been a white Bengal seen in the wild for many years. They are only a genetic mutation of the Bengal tiger. > there use to be many Bengal tigers and there would still be a huge population if people would stop hunting then for there coat.., Danika

Do Bengal tigers share their food?


Do humans eat white Bengal tigers?

yes Selling of the body parts for alternative medicines, and meat for exotic food.

Which is stronger a tiger or a white tiger?

It depends on the individual. White tigers are simply color mutations of the Bengal tiger- collectively they are no stronger or weaker than a normal tiger. Note - the recessive pigmentation variation that results in white tigers is unique to the Bengal tiger: no other tiger sub-species has this variant (i.e all white tigers are Bengal tigers). White tigers are not albino. Actually it depends on how the tiger has been living. If the tiger has had a good food source for most of its life it would have more muscle and energy making the weak one less stronger.

What is the habitat of white Bengal tigers?

Habitat. White tigers habitat is well it depends on the food in the territory. It is most likely 10-30 miles. White tigers most likly live alone for a while. Their habitat also includes trees and water.

What are food do Bengal tigers eat?

Slugs & woodlice

How does a Bengal Tiger get its food in the wild?

Bengal Tigers get their food in the wild by hunting big game, such as deer and wild pigs.

What is the Bengal tigers predator?

the Bengal tiger is at the top of the food chain, but still other tigers will eat the grown up. the cubs are eaten by all of the carnivores.

When do white tigers hunt for food?

White tigers hunt for food at night.

What is the food chain of a white Bengal tiger?

The tigers eat - deer, wild pigs or small animals such as rabbits - which eat grass or other vegetation.

What do white tigers compete for?

White tigers (which are just a form of Bengal tigers) compete for various things such as food, territory and shelter, and mating competion. Fights that break out between males can become very violent, but sometimes when the female steps in and trys to choose she can easily overpower the male.