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Leukocytes that attack foreign molecules (including bacteria) include Eosinophils, basophils, neutrophils, and monocytes. These cells participate in "non-specific" immune responses, meaning they aim for any and all foreign materials, not just one specific one. If those non-specific cells don't succeed, the lymphocytes, which target specific microbial cells, will reinforce the others to kill the microbial invader. Specifically, here is what each does to aid in the destruction of bacteria: 1. Neutrophils - phagocytic (cell eaters). 2. Basophils - produce histamine (inflammation) and heparin (clotting). 3. Eosinophils - reduce inflammation (in allergic reactions). 4. Lymphocytes - immunities and specific defenses. 5. Monocytes - the biggest cell, becomes a phagocyte during infections (macrophage).

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Q: White blood cells that attact and destory bacteria are called?
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What is the process in which some white cells destroy bacteria?

It is called phagocytosis. Putting it simply, these white cells "eat" the bacteria.

What is it called when white blood cells eat bacteria?

they "engulf" the bacteria

What are specialized white blood cells that produce antibodies coded to destory specific antigens?

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What blood cells kills bacteria?

You Must mean White blood cells. White blood cells kill bacteria by first engulfing them, this process i believe is called phagocytocis. They literally eat the bacteria and digest it.

How does the body react to harmful bacteria?

alveolar macrophages crawl freely along internal alveolar surfaces

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How is invading bacteria detroyed?

The bacteria has tiny, oddly-shaped molecules on it's surface, which are different for every type of bacteria, these are called antigens. When a special type of white blood cell, called a lymphocyte, realises an invading bacteria is in the bloodstream, it starts to make tiny connectors called antibodies. These antibodies fit the antigens on the bacteria's surface, and join many bacteria together. Once lots of bacteria have been joined together, another type of white blood cell, called a phagocyte, engulfs them, and it will usually take a few days for all the bacteria to be destroyed.

When a white blood cell engulfs a bacteria and destroys it the process of engulfing the bacteria is called cellular eating or...?

phagocytosis? i think not sure though

What do white blood cells make?

White Blood Cells make a chemical called Interferon, which white blood cells use to kill bacteria and germs.

White blood cells that ingest bacteria to prevent infe ction?

they're called phagocytes (literally, phago = eat, cytes = cells)

What causes the many small white lumps formed on the forehead between eyebrows?

its called white heads and is actually caused by bacteria on the skin

What fights bacteria that enter through the body?

I think it's white blood cells. I forgot what they were called.