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It could mean many different things. You should get it checked ASAP. Possible reasons could be: STD's , Pregnancy (sometimes Tubal), Early signs of Uterine Cancer etc. There is no telling until you see a doctor. The sooner the better. If you have no insurance the Public Health Departments usually offer screening and limited diagnostic services by a RN. Also, Planned Parenthood offers Service on a sliding scale fee. Please, get it checked. I once had an STD and did not notice until a routine check up. I was married and pretty angry at the husband. I had it close to 6 month and thought the symptoms where due to hormonal changes from Birth Control Pills.

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Q: White dischange with blood along with cramping could i be pregnant?
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Could something be wrong if you are 8 and one half weeks pregnant and you were cramping regularly but were told everything was fine but now you're not cramping at all?

It's common when first pregnant to feel cramping and being bloated among other symptoms. It's all about hormones. No, there isn't anything wrong with you now because you are further along. Please keep in close contact with your doctor while pregnant. Don't miss those appointments! Congratulations Marcy

How far along do you have to be before you have pregnancy cramping?

I got pregnancy cramping in my second week but every one is different.

Is your belly supposed to hurt when you're pregnant?

It really depends on how far along you are and what the hurt is like. When was 13 weeks, i had a light cramping for a few days and when I went to the doctor I had lost the baby.

Do you have aBdominal pains if your pregnant?

Yes, when I was about 7 to 12 weeks along i had minor cramping that felt like the cramps I got when I was on my period but my doctor said it is usually caused by your uterus stretching.

Can you experience what feels like cramps and be pregnant?

Some cramping is normal during pregnancy. How far along are you? Usually cramping is a sign of uterine contractions. If your at the beginning of the pregnancy and there isn't any blood, i wouldn't worry. Even a small amount of spotting would probably be ok. Otherwise, call your doctor.

What is the milky white substance that comes out along with urine through vaginal opening when a girl is pregnant?

That is your mucus plug !

If a pregnant woman is producing white milk like cows milk how far along is she?

bout five foot ;P

Is achy lower back a sign that you might be pregnant?

Yes. I have 6 children and 5 out of the 6 pregnancies I had lower back pain along with some cramping as some of my very earliest symptoms. This happens to me even before the nausea and fatigue.

What does cramping nausea and fatigue mean?

Cramping, nausea, and fatigue can be signs of pregnancy. These symptoms, along with tender, swollen breasts, and frequent urination are the first signs of pregnancy, after a missed period.

You are pregnant and have cramping in your right ovary What could be the cause?

I have two children and with both i expienced some cramping. My Dr. called them growing pains. It all depends on how far along you are and how bad the cramps hurt. you may want to get an ultrasound to make sure the baby is okay. If you are not bleeding this is a good sign. Get with your doctor ad make sure it is not a tubal prgnancy also. Good luck.

Are there signs such as cramping when you miscarry?

Yes, cramping is a sign of miscarriage along with spotting. Go see your dr or medical clinic. The craming is actually contractions and in some cases worse than actual labour.

How fair along do you have to be pregnant for a test show you are not pregnant?

About 2 weeks.