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calcium. your either on well water or your water you get from city is full of minerals and such. you can buy an in line filter

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Q: White granular subtenancy that clogs my facets and shower heads It is soft enough to crush with your fingers any ideas thanks Andy?
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Related questions

What are Differences between 88 facets and 58 facets of a diamond?

30 facets

How can you use the word facets in a sentence?

They carefully examined all of the facets of the argument.I am counting facets.

How many facets are there for round diamond?

58 facets

What is a 3d nonagon called?

it is no longer a nonagon as in 3d, its facets are multipied by 3. 9 facets on the Y axis 9 facets on the Z axis 9 facets on the X axis = 18 facets in total. Now if you talk about a 3d figure having a total of 9 facets, then its a spherical nonagon..which is a sphere who has also 9 plain facets.

What are facets on a diamond?

Facets on a diamond can be one measure of a stone's quality. For instance, if the facets are aligned well then you probably have a quality cut.

When was Facets - album - created?

Facets - album - was created in 1966-07.

How many facets should I be looking for in a Diamond?

The facets in a diamond will depend on the shape of the diamond. different cuts will present a different amount of facets. example are such as this. Round Brilliant Cut, The round brilliant cut has 58 total facets. The heart cut diamond usually contains 59 facets other cuts contain different amounts of facets. You chose a cut and ask about how many facets are in that particular cut.

Thoracic vertebrae differ from the others in that?

they have facets for attachment of ribs

What has the author Alan Bates written?

Alan Bates has written: 'Facets' 'Facets'

What if a diamond has less than 17 facets?

The number of facets on a diamond is dictated by its size and the shape of the cut. For example, an emerald cut stone has 57 facets and a baguette cut stone has 25. The radiant cut has 70 facets. An 8/8 or single cut stone has 17 facets. When the symmetry of the facets is angularly perfect, the table of the stone delivers optimum luster for the stone.

How are the facets in diamonds formed?

Facets are formed by cutting and polishing, both manual tasks.

What type of vertebrae has coastal facets?

These facets are associated with ribs which involve the thoracic vertebrae.