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Q: White phosphorous glows in the dark is it a chemical properties or physical?
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What are some physical and chemical properties of paper that can be observed?

it white and its soft

What chemical group does white phosphorous belong to?

Phosphorous belong to group 15 of the periodic table.

Is baking soda is white powder a physical or chemical property?

IT is a physical because physical properties refer to things that can be examined with the 5 senses (taste, look, ect.)

What are some physical and chemical properities of paper that can be observed?

The physical properties I know of are the shape which are either a square or rectangle, the color which is either white or different colors. The chemical properties I know of are just before you make the paper, that's pretty much it...

What are the chemical properties in aspirin?

Analgesic Anti inflammatory Anti Pyretic (Fever)

What is a physical property of baking soda?

physical properties can be observed w/o changing the chemical structure eg: physical state, colour, density, or electical conductiivity so baking soda is white.

What are the physical properties of Calcium nitrate?

its white

Is white phosphorous ignites easily a chemical property?

Yes, because a new compound (a new type of molecule, with another chemical composition) is obtained.

What is an example of physical properties?

an example of physical properties are candles