

Whiumat is the mass number for Uranium?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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The atomic weight of uranium is 238,02891(3) Atomic Mass units.

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Q: Whiumat is the mass number for Uranium?
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The mass number of the isotope uranium-234 is 142.

What is the atomic number for uranium?

the atomic mass number for uranium is 92

What is the mass number of urnanium?

Uranium is a non metal element. Atomic mass of it is 238.

Mass number of uranium?

The atomic weight of uranium is 238,02891.

Uranium atomic number mass and number of protons?

Uranium atomic number: 92 Uranium atomic weight: 238,02891 Uranium number of protons: 92

What is the mass number for the element uranium?

The atomic weight of uranium is 238,02891(3) atomic mass units. The mass number is the total number of nucleons (protons an neutrons) in the nucleus; the mass number is different for each isotope: 234U: mass number 234 235U: mass number 235 238U: mass number 238

What is the weight of uranium?

Atomic mass number = Number of protons + Number of neutrons Number of protons of uranium nucleus is 92. The number of neutrons is different for each isotope. Example for 238U: 92 protons + 146 neutrons = 238

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What is the mass number of uranium-235?

The atomic mass of uranium 238 is 238,050 788 247

What is the mass number of thorium 234?

234 is the mass of that particular Uranium isotope. Exactly 234,040 952 088 ± 0,000 001 960 u.a.

How do you find hyphen notation?

Hyphen Notation is the name of the element, then hyphen, then the mass number written after the element. For example, Chlorine-35.

What is the no of protons and electrons in the isotope of uranium?

All the isotopes of uranium have 92 protons and electrons.The number of neutrons is Mass number- Atomic number.