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The one who informs Philip Hamilton where to find George Eacker is Charles Lee. This is significant because Charles Lee is a close friend of the Hamilton family, and he would have no reason to lie to Philip about where Eacker can be found.

Additionally, this conversation takes place shortly before the famous duel between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr, which adds further significance to the conversation. Informing Philip Hamilton of George Eacker's whereabouts can be seen as Lee's way of helping to settle the conflict between the two men before it leads to bloodshed.

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Q: Who is the one who informs Philip Hamilton where to find George Eacker, the man who publicly insulted his father Why is it significant that this character is the one to have this conversation with Philip Hamilton?
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Why Islam is insulted all over the world?

it is not all over the world free masons disguised as al qaida and osama binladen to ruin the image of muslims islam is a very peaceful religion , and im sure that it is the most peaceful one ever :D

In what order did these occur Revolutionary turmoil in France cause the US president to urge Americans to stay out of foreign quarrels?

3- Revolutionary Turmoil............... 5- Envoys sent to make peace in France are insulted.......... 4- first ten amendments to the................ 1- western farmers revolt................ 2- jefferson organizes................ I just got these from the internet cause i had to do my ap us history homework too............ dude we're both cheaters...........

How did some Southern whites respond to the movie Birth of a Nation?

They joined the Ku Klux Klan.

What freedoms do Americans have that other countries don't?

Some rights American's most enjoy areFreedom of speechFreedom of religionFreedom to have a good educationFreedom of the pressFreedom To Vote!Think about it if you didn't have the right to go to school?If you had to follow a certain religion.If you were thrown in jail because of writing a true story about the president.Think about if you were put in jail or killed because you said something that insulted the president.Comments:From Lesly126: cool answer, who ever wrote that. ^.^

What did people from Gaul look like?

Regardless of what the Celts of Central Europe described by the Greeks and Romans looked like , the Atlantic Celts of Britain and Ireland were also described by the Norse.In the article "Race and Ethnicity in the Old Norse World" author Jenny Jochens outlines the interaction of the Norse and Celts. "Features of dark hair, dark skin, and dark eyes were found occasionally in Norway, but they became more common in Iceland as blond Norwegians mingled with darker Celts from the western islands in the North Atlantic. Since Norwegians brought few of their women to Iceland in the beginning, Celtic women were largely responsible for funneling Celtic genes into the Icelandic population either directly or indirectly."Another comment:The blond, blue eyed, and fair skin is more common of the Aryans of Germany.The Celts believed that there were two worlds, our world and the other world, that was where everybody who died went. Celts thought that the other world was more important than the real world so they valued the after life more than their real life.Though the chiefs of each tribe were the ruler of each tribe, the druids were more powerful. The druids were like Celts priests, they were able to talk to the gods and to the people from the other world, they carried out sacrifices to satisfy the gods and to communicate with them. Everyone had faith on druids,, because they were wise and represented the gods on the Earth. The druid's influence was so great that it is said that they could stand between Celts armies and stop them from fighting, but this only worked with Celts and people who believed in druids.The dead Celts were buried with some of their important possessions, so they could carry it to the other world.