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Food also contains, Nutrients, Vitamins, Sugar, Natural Sugars, Flavours, Colours, Minerals and much more.

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Q: Who Food isn't just a energy source but it also contains?
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Why do living things need food?

AnswerBecause the substances which the food contains (like nutrients vitamins, and proteins) are needed by the body to live and grow. Also to produce energy so they can do their activity with the energy that they get from processing the substances in the food.

What is the source of Chemical Energy for the muscles?

The source of chemical energy for the muscles are compounds. this will also go with gas, food, and e.t.c.

Why organisms must have food?

Because food is a source of energy and it also supplies cells with oxygen

What determines the healthiness of food?

The thing that determines the healthiness of food is how much nutrients it contains. It also is how much energy your body gets from it.

How does a saltine cracker become energy for your body?

Food contains calories. Calories are a type of food particle that a body consumes. Calories are also commonly known as energy used for the body. Since a saltine cracker is a kind of food with wheat; wheat contains calories which you consume. These calories are energy, so in other words, you are consuming energy.

What do you need by a food?

Food has various nutrients such as Carbohydrates, Fats, Proteins, Minerals,Vitamins.Each Nutrient contains energy,growth and many more.So for energy and growth and also for protection against diseases we need FOOD

How do trees use food?

Trees use energy from the sun to produce chlorophyll, also know as a major source of food for them. Trees also use the soil for nutrients.

Where do you get most of your energy from?

food You body can also produce adrenaline when you are in "fight or flight" mode. In that case Adrenaline would be your body's main energy source.

What is the original source of energy for the hawk?

well it would matter what the hawk had ate if a hawk ate a snake he would gain energy from eating the snake but also other things that the pray ate so i wold say its grass.

How are plants a source of energy?

Plants source of energy as they absorb sunlight and to photosynthesis also it make food for other living things like animals to feed on them. Add me on facebook to know more:KennyHe Sihao Slashyou

What does the choroplast in a cell do?

It makes energy from the sun light into food for the plant cell. It also contains chlorophyll, which makes plant green.

What does a choroplast do in a cell?

It makes energy from the sun light into food for the plant cell. It also contains chlorophyll, which makes plant green.