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Q: Who Women played a critical role in woman suffrage in Washington?
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What effect did moving westward have on the suffrage movement?

The Women's National Suffrage parade was held in Washington.

Organized a women's suffrage demonstration in Washington?

Alice Paul

How was Washington ahead of the rest of the nation in regards women's suffrage?

Washington granted women the right to vote in 1883, though it was lost in 1888. It was regained in 1910, making Washington the fifth state to grant women the right to vote.

American women suffrage association (AWSA) tried to?

get every state to vote on women's suffrage.

What does women suffrage mean?

women's suffrage is their right to vote the womens's suffrage movement was in 1920

On March 3 1913 who organized a Suffrage parade of 8000 women to march up Pennsylvania Avenue Washington D.C. and what were the women fighting for?

On March 3, 1913, Alice Paul organized a suffrage parade of 8,000 women to march up Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. Their major aim was to secure women the right to vote in America.

When the 19th amendment was ratified what did the amendment accomplish?

This was known as the Women's Suffrage Amendment, and it gave women the right to vote in America.

How do you prevent women suffrage?

How to prevent women from suffering of women's suffrage? To prevent women from suffering is to treat them as equals can't prevent women's suffrage since it's an Amendment...

Who are suffagist?

Suffragists were individuals, primarily women, who advocated for women's suffrage, or the right for women to vote. They played a crucial role in the suffrage movement, which sought to achieve political equality for women. Suffragists organized protests, lobbied lawmakers, and raised awareness about women's rights.

What was the purpose of the women's suffrage in Australia?

The purpose of women's suffrage was for women to gain the right to vote.

What is partial suffrage?

what is women's Partial Suffrage

What women suffrage movement was about?

women suffrage movement means all women should have right to vote