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Q: Who agreed with William Lloyd Garrison's call for immediate emancipation of slaves?
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Abolitionists all agreed about?

the need to end slavery and grant equal rights to all individuals, regardless of race or ethnicity. They believed that slavery was a moral and social evil that violated the principles of liberty and equality. However, there were differences among abolitionists regarding the methods and strategies to achieve this goal, such as gradual emancipation versus immediate abolition or whether to use political or direct action.

Who were the rulers at the start of constitutional monarchy?

If you are referring to England, the constitutional monarchy started with the reign of William III and Mary II (William & Mary). After Mary's father, James II, was run out of the country in the Glorious Revolution of 1688, she and her husband, William of Orange, were offered the crown as co-rulers if they agreed to having their powers limited via an English Constitution.

Why did James ll lose power and how did William and Mary come to power in 1688?

James the Second was a Catholic and England was mostly Protestant. Most of the English were unhappy with their Catholic ruler. So, the Protestants asked William of Orange to invade England to overthrow James. William agreed. So on July 12, 1690, William met James across the Boyne River. (The battle was called the Battle of the Boyne.) There William beat James and assumed control of England. James and his defeated army retreated to Catholic Ireland (and Scotland). (The question should say 1690.)

What colonial leaders agreed with the Tory VIewpoint?

Thomas Hutchinson and Samuel Adams.

What was the Name of the form of government the framers of the American constitution agreed to create?

The form of government the framers of the Constitution agreed to create republic

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James I believed he had absolute power, while William of Orange agreed to restrictions on his power.

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those who agreed with Lincoln that Slavery should not extend into the new territories.

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It's conventionally agreed that Duke William of Normandy, William 'The Conqueror' instituted classic feudalism in England.

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It's conventionally agreed that Duke William of Normandy, William 'The Conqueror' instituted classic feudalism in England.

How was James's approach to the English monarchy different from that of William of Orange?

James I believed he had absolute power, while William of Orange agreed to restrictions on his power.

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How was James I's approach to the English monarchy different from that of the William of orange?

James I believed he had absolute power, while William of Orange agreed to restrictions on his power.