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From another post: "According to Milton in the lines between 210-220 the all ruling heaven left him at large to his own dark designs."

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Q: Who allows Satan the freedom to pursue his evil intentions?
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Is freedom essential to the cause of Satan so he can work his magic uninhibited and infect the mind of your child?

Freedom is not essential to Satan's cause but rather the choices individuals make. Satan's goal is to lead humanity away from righteousness, using deception and temptation. It is important for individuals to exercise discernment and resist the influence of evil.

Why do people believe in Satan?

people are drawn towards Satan because he represents freedom, chaos and a sense of raw wildness which people want as a way to break free from their every day lives.

Can a demon take the form of a good spirit?

Yes in fact in the bible SATAN is referred to as the angel of light it to deceive u into thinking their good even though they have the worst intentions.

What book of the bible does it talk about god allowing Satan to make bad things happen to people?

In the book of Job (old testament) God allows Satan to test Job by doing 'bad' things to him.

Which Demon of apocalyptic literature is identified with Satan?

Belial (some spell it Beliel - the MOS usually allows variant spellings)

What was the point of Jesus dying on the cross?

he gave His life to save sinners from eternal death, He paid a ransom for our freedom from Satan by whom we are enslaved

Will the world go boom because of the prophecy of the god and the Satan fighting?

The world will certainly not go "Boom" as you ask. Satan is trying to out smart Christ, to get the better of him but this he will never do. Christ knows the mind of Satan. Certainly Satan has drawn many over to his side but that is because man has the freedom to choose and Christ will not interfere in what man decides to do. The fighting as you call it is more a battle of wits, though Satan will never win in the end. He knows this and will try his best to draw as many as he can to his side.

Who is dissembler in surah 35?

The dissemble is satan

What is the wrath of God?

HE does not do that now we are in the new testament only when we die he does not when were on earth when there are tornadoes it is not because of god or from him he allows Satan to do it since people do not obey him.

Does anyone believe that god allows Satan to take your lives?

God chose when he made us to make us with a free will meaning that we can choose weather we choose to follow Him or satan. When we choose to follow satan God is very sad, he doesn't want us to follow satan because he knows that satan won't help us and be with us throughout each day and fight our battles like God will.... Hope this helped if you have any more questions I'll be happy to answer them!!

Where was Satan kicked out of Heaven?

Zero. No Angel has been kicked out of heaven. Angels are pure and made of light, they have no freedom to pick sin. The jinn on the other hand have freedom to pick sin if they please. There were and still are jinn being kicked out of paradise.

Where does God battle Satan?

It is not have an end...never! they are both the same,you cannot think or believe only in one of them...Light and Darkness is our insticts!!! According to Jesus and the Christian Scriptures, Satan is ever present, trying to turn us away from God. Therefore we must be continually on guard. The Scriptures also tell us that our bodies are 'temples of the Holy Spirt ' the third person of the Holy Trinity' who is God. So it may be concluded that God fights Satan constantly through us. God doesn't really battle against Satan per se. As a created being, Satan is subservient to God just as we are. Like many of us, Satan choses not to follow God or to obey Him. Satan strives to hurt God but cannot do so, so Satan goes after those who are born-again members of God's family. Believers battle against Satan using the spiritual tools given by God. At the end of Satan's career there will be "battle in heaven" with God's holy angels doing battle against Satan and the fallen angels. Satan will be cast out of heaven and his sphere will be limited to earth. These are called the end times. At Christ's second coming Satan will be bound by an angel and cast into a pit for a thousand years. After this time Satan will be set free for a short time and then be cast by Christ into the Lake of Fire for eternity. I guess it's fair to say that God battles Satan through believers and through His angels. God could eliminate Satan at any time of His choosing, but He allows Satan to go about his disobedience to a degree. Satan can do only as much as God allows. Look at Job chapter 1 for a good example.