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Q: Who animals have feathers and scales?
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What is feathers skin scales and fur?

they are characteristics of animals

What do other animals have that don't have hair?

Most animals have feathers or scales. Some have a shell like a turtle or a snail. Reptiles have scales such as lizards. And birds have hollow feathers that help them fly.

What are the characteristics of animals with scales?

Animals with scales are reptiles and fish. They are cold-blooded and lay eggs. Reptiles generally have different, tougher scales than fish, allowing them to live on land without drying out so easily. Birds also can have scale-like things on their legs. Feathers probably evolved from scales. It is thought that Dinosaurs had scales but some people think some may have developed feathers.

Does an iguanna have scales?

no it has feathers

Do Penguins have scales?

No, they are considered bird which mean they have feathers. Scales are on most reptiles, but that is it. Yes, penguins have scales on their legs. Feathers are modified scales. Their feet might look a little scaly - but otherwise no.

Do robins have spots fur feathers scales?

Robins are birds and have feathers.

Feathers on a sparrow envolved from?


What is my animal body mostly covered with?

Animals can be covered with fur or feathers or scales or naked skin. It depends on what animal you're talking about.

According to the theory of evolution birds feathers evolved from?

According to evolution bird's feathers evolved from reptile scales.

Does ostrich have scales?

Owls do have scales on their feet.

What are the three classification of animals?

The three classifications of animals are vertebrates, invertebrates, and mammals. Vertebrates have a backbone, while invertebrates do not. Mammals are a subgroup of vertebrates distinguished by characteristics such as hair and mammary glands.

Does a cormorant have scales?

No, a cormorant is a bird and has feathers.